Our new pets!
Some friends kindly gifted us with some funky, weird, beautiful little stick insects. We have 3 and yesterday's task was to build them a home...Flex and his Opa built a frame out of metal (we are lucky enough to have a bunch of great welding equipment in the shed - I dream of huge junk sculptures!!), and Flex and I then got busy with mesh and sewing needles to create the perfect enclosure. We had plans for converting an old TV into a 'living TV' but it all got a bit complicated....the critters are now happily swaying on their juicy new gum leaves and enjoying a bit of morning sun. They are ever so cute and strange! Flex has been studying them intently and I have to admit they are captivating - especially the way they sway back and forth to camouflage themselves....They are nearly as crazy as our wwoofer Sun in the pumpkin soup eating photo ;)
If you want to find out more about keeping these fascinating critters there's some info here at the Australian Museum's website.