Flex: Lava. I can melt you.
Lucky: I'm earth. I'm obsidian. I can withstand anything.
Flex: I'm nature. I am everything including lava and what it melts.
Lucky: What would you rather have - a monkey or two corn snakes?
Me: A monkey.
Lucky is into random questions at the moment and they reflect the randomness of our current lives. One day we are at the Reptile Park communicating with a galapagos tortoise, the next shopping at Ikea and playing with measuring tapes. One moment hanging out at an all ages rock show, the next digging a hole and planting a nashi pear tree. One morning making pickled cucumbers and organising a festival, and that afternoon making candles out of egg shells.
The more I embrace the flow of events that present themselves to us, the more I submit to opportunity, the more I 'let go' of the need for a 'plan'....the more.....exactly!