Today it was 'skim boarding' - one of the activities most likely to result in a broken bone so I've heard.
I can see why.
The shiny white and blue skim board was spotted and pleaded for in Aldi a few weeks ago. It had it's debut today at Umina beach, which with it's gently sloping sand and shallow waves, was the perfect spot.
The first couple of goes very nearly ended in disaster. Small earnest bodies running full pelt and jumping onto a slippery piece of wood that seemed as predictable as a day of weather in Sydney.
Run, jump, BAM! Onto the sand bum first. Then head first. At one stage Flex fell so hard that sand splattered up from under the water and into his eye.
"I HATE skimboarding" Grrrrrrrr......
There were tears. And limping.
But they kept trying.
They knew there was joy to be had somewhere amidst all the pain and difficulty. That if they could 'suck it up' and keep going, somehow it would be worth it. And bit by excruciating bit, it got.....easier.
One attempt resulted in staying ON the board the entire time it was sliding along the wet sand. The next attempt resulted in the board spinning a slow 180 degrees....and not sending it's passenger sprawling face down into the drink.
"Wahoo! Did you see that one! That was, like, a trick!"
And their joy was sooooo infectious. After watching them try and fail so many times, being witness to the elation in a moment of victory was all the sweeter. They ran, and laughed and looked to see if I was looking, and I cheered and clapped and laughed along with them, in the silvery evening, salty twilight, skimboarding accomplishment glee.
Well done boys. If you can skim board, you can do bloody anything!