Flex and Lucky threw boomerangs, played with the 'pet' rainbow lorikeets and got in trouble for picking up a turtle who was wandering between waterholes. We went for a walk on a twisty bush track and examined stringy bark rope, scribbly gumtree art and Aboriginal rock carvings as well as a cave full of ancient handprints. We sat on a rock at a traditional 'men's site' (we were a very manly bunch after all ;) overlooking the vast green scrub and chatted. Brenton is doing a PhD on the cost of every school 'failure/repetition' in Canada, and was extremely interested in home schooling so we had lots of stuff to discuss! It started to rain softly and was very beautiful. We could smell the eucalyptus and tea tree in the atmosphere as the Australian bush gifted us with a moment of sacredness.
After distributing the 'suitcase full of Canadian candy' and lots of big hugs, 'Benton' were on their merry way and we drove home eating Oh Henry bars and Cheezies. Oh Canada!