In case you don't know, WWOOF stands for Willing Workers On Organic Farms and is an excellent program. Travellers register as wwoofers, and contact 'hosts' who exchange them room and board for some work around the farm. But it's more than just an exchange of labour. From our wonderful Korean wwoofers we learnt how to make wontons and how to fold origami boats. We played cards with our Aussie couple and now follow their blog as they travel around the country. Our English lad and Lucky developed an incredible game of imagination - trying to outdo each other in designing a magical hideout....these travellers become a part of your family for the time they are staying with you, and therein lies the true magic...
So thanks to all our wonderful wwofers so far - you have undoubtedly enriched our lives. And the vegie garden, pumpkin patch, wood pile and chook shed thanks you as well!