He has had the opportunity to go for a full 'day out' to the Sydney Fish Markets with our wonderful neighbour Nola...by himself! Yep, he rode his bike to her place in the morning and spent the day gazing and grazing on the plethora of delectable delights on offer...they went cheese tasting at the Black Wattle Deli (which Nola had a part in designing), bought tonnes of seafood and Flex even bought Nola a coffee!
I received close up photos of fish all day in my inbox and a 'kiss' cupcake' when they returned!!
Then last night was the big 'cook-up'.....together the two of them ('Chef' and 'Sous Chef') prepped mussels and cut fish, shelled prawns and chopped fennel and created the most divine 'fish soup' or 'boullabaise', serving it up with crusty bread in a dinner party for the rest of us!! Nola was handing out hints left right and centre and I have no doubt it was the best 'masterclass' any 9 year old foodie could ever ask for. What a delight! Aren't we lucky to have such marvelous mentors in our children's lives!!??
PS Sorry the photos are a bit crazy - my computer is getting creative all on it's own....