It's only early November and already 30+ degrees inside the house under the fan! What will summer be like? Today we enforced the rule of family siesta on the couch...well as much as something as awesome as a siesta involving ice blocks and iced coffee can be 'enforced' or a 'rule'!! I feel it will become a summer staple here on the freedom it got me thinking of the wonders of weather, and how if we go with the flow of what mother nature chooses to wear on any particular day, all sorts of adventures can flying a kite on a windy afternoon....
It. Is. Really. Hot. It's only early November and already 30+ degrees inside the house under the fan! What will summer be like? Today we enforced the rule of family siesta on the couch...well as much as something as awesome as a siesta involving ice blocks and iced coffee can be 'enforced' or a 'rule'!! I feel it will become a summer staple here on the freedom it got me thinking of the wonders of weather, and how if we go with the flow of what mother nature chooses to wear on any particular day, all sorts of adventures can flying a kite on a windy afternoon.... ....or building a snowman are in the freakin' snow!!! This is the image I will be remembering tonight as I lie in bed, waiting for the storm to come and cool down the air....but I promise to enjoy being warm because there will come a night in the future (6 months or so!?) when I am shivering in bed dreaming of hot summer nights.....:)
Author(s)Yomamma - masseuse, home school mum, art lover, jam maker, intrepid explorer. Archives
February 2016