A surreal, fun, comfortable and all round extraordinary moment. In fact, I think I'm going to start a page devoted to moments like this. Stay tuned....
As spring has been, well, springing, I have been spending a bit of time in the garden weeding, mulching and prepping for a big plant out soon of all the spring/summer vegies. It's just sooooo good being out there, sun shining, bees humming, birds twittering (yes 'twitter' is something birds did way before us), earth smelling, oxygen absorbing...you get the idea.
My other extraordinary moment occurred while hunting snails to feed to the chooks. I collected the snails, put them in a bucket and then glanced down at them, and wham! bam! I was transfixed by their slow, graceful brown ballet of glistening antennae, spiral shells and ability to defy gravity....so beautiful. I had a moment of compassion for all living things, of turmoil at feeding them to the hulking chickens, of true appreciation and gratitude for their small slimy lives.
Extraordinary moments people. Slow down a little and you'll notice them EVERYWHERE!
PS Click 'play' below for an extraordinary song by Joel Plaskett......