The boys had their friend S with them and were happier than oysters in lemon juice to have a go driving the barge, hanging out in the 'cabin' with Bruce and learning all about phosphorous levels, sewerage treatment systems, shipwrecks and so on. All this while taking in the mist-shrouded 'land before time' scenery which is the awe inspiring back drop to life on the river. We stopped at Spencer where we had a gourmet picnic lunch under the tree and tested the water for pH levels, clarity and phosphorous. We are awaiting the test results and will let you know how our river is faring....
It was dismaying to learn that Sydney Water was downgrading the sewerage treatment facility which filters water into the Hawkesbury as it was 'too expensive' per capita. Apparently several groups including the mighty CWA are lobbying against this, so if you can, get involved.
Here is the info about phosphorous and how it affects our water. Please read and take into consideration....