Now lying in bed in the morning has to be one of the greatest joys known to humans (those of us lucky enough to have beds that is). It is warm, it is comfortable, you can snuggle up with your man/woman/child/teddy bear/pillow and steal some precious moments of 'just' being. AND wait for it - it is also EDUCATIONAL!! Let me use this morning as an example:
Lucky: How many days to my birthday? (Yes those were his first words upon waking - I'm sure many of you recognise them!)
Me: Hmmm....let's work it out. (We go through how many days in a week, in a month, add them up then come to our conclusion. A pause follows where he is obviously contemplating this. We then do the same for my birthday).
Lucky: A camel holds water you know.
Me: Yep, in it's hump.
Lucky: Not just in it's hump mum, also in it's poo.
Me: (Giggling) That's very true.
Lucky: And it's not only called 'poo', you can also call it 'scat', 'dung' and (dramatic pause) 'camel crap'.
Me: (Full blown laughter by now) I have to get up and start on my blog!
The boys chose to stay in bed and discuss the design and merits of a backpack with jets in it and hiking boots with rockets fitted to them.
So, as you can see we have included the 'KLA's' (Key Learning Areas of NSW Curriculum) of Maths, Science and English as well as the MORE important areas of imagination, conversation skills, comedy and relationship building - all while being warm and comfy in bed!!!!
I know these kind of conversations didn't happen nearly as much when we had the pressure of 'get up, get dressed, make lunches, get OFF your DS, eat your breakfast NOW we have to GO!!!!' to deal with.
Now, I have to make an important point. I do not plan on any school bashing in this blog. I am not anti-school. We spent time at two schools - one public, and one private - but at the end of the day, home schooling was the better option for us right now. With different personalities, different geography, different circumstances we may never have chosen to home educate, but we are SO GLAD we did. And that is my intention here - to write on the joys of home schooling, not on the 'bad stuff' about going to a school. A comparison may creep in unannounced and under the cover of darkness, but I honestly respect everyone's individual decisions about their families. Please respect mine.
Gotta go, while I have been writing the fire has died and I must resurrect it if there is any hope of dry washing and warm people today....