We turned up, were appointed to our Ancient Greek 'teams' and the participants pinned their ultra professional looking bibs to their backs. We were in team Argos and the mighty teams of Corinth, Margera, Athens and Sparta also formed tight and proud little groups. The day flowed from outside to indoors, active to creative with an incredible amount of activities organised. These included chariot racing (piggyback running), weight lifting, 5 way soccer, flag design, mascot invention, chant writing, ribbon dancing, an opening ceremony, sock wrestling, discus and more that happened after we had to leave!
I have a feeling sock wrestling is in our family repertoire forever now!
Flex and Lucky enjoyed the day and I was reminded of the value of experiential learning. I'm sure I had done a 'project' on the ancient Olympics at school, but remembered nothing - except that they was held in Greece! I can now safely say I know a whole lot more...such as the fabulous fact that the athletes (all men) competed in their birthday suits (!). Running and skipping and laughing while learning seems to help the information sink in - for me anyway!
So thanks for this great day everyone. We won't see much of the Olympics as they are on one of the channels we don't get at the freedom farm, but we know our Olympic history....
On the way home we stopped off to drop off at the library, and happened upon the Yarn Bombing project in downtown Gosford!
Fabulous, colourful, whimsical, surprising and downright cool.
It just makes my heart swell to stumble on art like this. There is hope for Gosford yet!!